Monday, June 15, 2015

What I'll Miss from Malawi

With two days left to go, it is hard not to get nostalgic. I was planning on adding pictures over this last week of all the things that I'll miss, but it really is pretty simple: the friends below. It is a beautiful country not to be missed if traveling this way. However it is the people that have let us into their lives that have made this experience for us. Cheers to you all. May we meet for sundowners again very soon.
From the wedding. 

Topiary Chickens

On my block they love landscaped gardens. Who would have ever thought they loved to make topiary chickens. It is all the rage on our block.

A garden facing the street. Notice the huge gutters or trenches that are everywhere in this country. Watch it when you make u-turns in Malawi.

And now onto the parade of topiary chickens.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Kevin with the "L"

In Malawi they have trouble spelling and saying my name. For some reason, whenever I say it, they write it down "Kelvin." It must be something linguistically or just a lack of unfamiliarity with the name or someone famous who once had the name. This was all pretty humorous until we went to get our wedding certificate. No matter how much begging, pleading, role playing, and demonstrating, I couldn't get them to return a certificate with the right spelling. Finally after 3 months the right documents have come back. I just wanted to document a few instances for posterity. Though, I have now given up the best marital excuse ever: "Well, you married Kelvin and not me." 
My birthday cake with some minor changes.

The second handwritten marriage document. The first had something else wrong on it and we asked them to do it again. This is where the chain of events started.

Third try. So close. Ouch.

My doctor's receipt.

And finally, perfection.